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Jeremy Miner And Matthew Rider – 7th Level Communications – Hunter Gatherer

Original price was: $2,997.00.Current price is: $27.00.

Download Jeremy Miner And Matthew Rider – 7th Level Communications – Hunter Gatherer (4.67 GB) in Mega Drive, The Hunter Gatherer course by Jeremy Miner and Matthew Rider is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to master advanced sales techniques. With its focus on the psychology of selling, comprehensive curriculum, and expert guidance, this course offers the tools and knowledge necessary to excel in sales. Whether you are a seasoned sales professional or new to the field, the Hunter Gatherer course provides the skills and strategies needed to achieve exceptional sales performance and drive significant business growth.

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Jeremy Miner And Matthew Rider - 7th Level Communications - Hunter Gatherer

Jeremy Miner and Matthew Rider – 7th Level Communications: Hunter Gatherer Course Review

The Hunter Gatherer course by Jeremy Miner and Matthew Rider, part of the 7th Level Communications training program, is designed to enhance sales skills through advanced communication techniques. This course focuses on the psychology of selling, aiming to transform participants into highly effective sales professionals. Below is an in-depth review of the course, covering its key features, structure, and benefits.


Jeremy Miner And Matthew Rider - 7th Level Communications - Hunter Gatherer

Course Overview

Key Features

  • Expert Instructors: Jeremy Miner and Matthew Rider, renowned sales professionals.
  • Psychology-Based Approach: Emphasizes understanding buyer behavior.
  • Advanced Techniques: Cutting-edge communication strategies for sales.
  • Interactive Learning: Engaging content with practical exercises.
  • Proven Results: Techniques that have been successfully implemented by top sales teams.

Target Audience

  • Sales professionals looking to refine their skills.
  • Business owners aiming to improve their sales processes.
  • Entrepreneurs seeking to boost their sales conversion rates.
  • Individuals interested in mastering the art of persuasion and communication.

Course Structure

Introduction to 7th Level Communication

  • Foundation of Sales Psychology: Understanding the basics of sales communication.
  • 7th Level Overview: Introduction to the 7th Level framework and its principles.
  • Course Objectives: Goals and outcomes expected from the course.

Understanding Buyer Psychology

  • Behavioral Insights: Exploring the psychology behind buyer decisions.
  • Emotional Triggers: Identifying and leveraging emotional triggers in sales.
  • Buyer Personas: Creating and using buyer personas to tailor sales approaches.

Effective Communication Strategies

  • Questioning Techniques: Using strategic questions to uncover buyer needs.
  • Active Listening: Enhancing listening skills to understand and respond to buyers.
  • Storytelling in Sales: Crafting compelling narratives to engage prospects.

Building Rapport and Trust

  • Trust-Building Techniques: Methods for establishing trust with potential buyers.
  • Rapport-Building Strategies: Techniques to quickly build rapport and connect with prospects.
  • Overcoming Objections: Strategies for handling and overcoming sales objections.

The Sales Process

  • Lead Generation: Effective methods for finding and qualifying leads.
  • Sales Presentations: Crafting and delivering persuasive sales presentations.
  • Closing Techniques: Proven techniques for closing sales and sealing deals.

Advanced Sales Techniques

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP): Using NLP techniques to influence and persuade.
  • Behavioral Economics: Applying principles of behavioral economics to sales strategies.
  • Sales Automation: Leveraging technology to enhance sales processes and productivity.

Course Benefits

Enhanced Sales Skills

  • In-Depth Knowledge: Comprehensive understanding of advanced sales techniques.
  • Practical Application: Real-world examples and exercises to apply what you learn.
  • Improved Conversion Rates: Techniques aimed at significantly improving sales conversion rates.

Expert Guidance

  • Renowned Instructors: Learn from industry experts with a proven track record.
  • Mentorship Opportunities: Access to personalized advice and mentorship from the instructors.

Comprehensive Resources

  • Training Materials: Extensive library of training materials and resources.
  • Live Sessions: Access to live training sessions and webinars.
  • Community Support: Join a community of like-minded sales professionals for support and networking.

Flexibility and Convenience

  • Self-Paced Learning: Learn at your own pace with flexible access to course materials.
  • Lifetime Access: Revisit course content anytime to reinforce learning and stay updated.

Why Choose the Hunter Gatherer Course?

Proven Effectiveness

  • Success Stories: Numerous testimonials from participants who have seen substantial improvements in their sales performance.
  • Data-Driven Techniques: Strategies based on extensive research and real-world application.

Comprehensive Training

  • All-Inclusive Curriculum: Covers every aspect of advanced sales communication.
  • Updated Content: Reflects the latest trends and techniques in sales.

Supportive Learning Environment

  • Interactive Content: Engaging and interactive learning experience.
  • Community Engagement: Access to a network of professionals for ongoing support and collaboration.


The Hunter Gatherer course by Jeremy Miner and Matthew Rider is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to master advanced sales techniques. With its focus on the psychology of selling, comprehensive curriculum, and expert guidance, this course offers the tools and knowledge necessary to excel in sales. Whether you are a seasoned sales professional or new to the field, the Hunter Gatherer course provides the skills and strategies needed to achieve exceptional sales performance and drive significant business growth.


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