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Ganim Corey – Wholesale Challenge Replays

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Download Ganim Corey – Wholesale Challenge Replays (23.05 GB) in Mega Drive, The Wholesale Challenge Replays by Ganim Corey is an intensive and comprehensive training program designed to elevate your Amazon wholesale business. By covering a wide range of topics from finding suppliers to leveraging virtual talent, this course provides the tools and knowledge necessary to succeed in the competitive Amazon marketplace.

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Ganim Corey - Wholesale Challenge Replays

Ganim Corey – Wholesale Challenge Replays Course Overview


Have you hit a plateau selling on Amazon? Are you worried about investing in wholesale inventory or wondering how to stand out from the crowd? The “Wholesale Challenge Replays” by Ganim Corey is a 7-day training program designed to unlock your Amazon selling potential. This deep dive into the secrets of successful wholesale selling helps you navigate complexities and turn perceived obstacles into stepping stones for Amazon success.


Ganim Corey - Wholesale Challenge Replays

Course Structure

  • Modules: The course is divided into seven daily modules, each covering critical aspects of wholesale selling on Amazon.
  • Duration: A 7-day intensive program with comprehensive replays for in-depth learning.
  • Format: Online course with live replays, video lectures, guest interviews, and interactive sessions.

Day-by-Day Breakdown

[Day 1] Introduction

  • Groundwork: Overview of the program and essential tools.
  • Business Setup:
    • Obtaining an EIN.
    • Setting up a business bank account.
    • Creating a professional email.
    • Building a website.
    • Establishing a CRM system.
    • Securing a shipping address and reseller permit.

[Day 2] Finding Suppliers

  • Supplier Types: Explanation of distributors, brands, and wholesalers.
  • Brand Criteria: Brand criteria checklist.
  • Finding Leads:
    • Using SmartScout, Amazon, trade shows, and competitor storefronts.
  • Distributor Criteria: Checklist and strategies for finding distributor leads using Google and SpyFu.
  • Organization: Organizing supplier contact information in CRM or Google Sheets.

[Day 3] Contacting Suppliers

  • Outreach Strategies:
    • Do’s and don’ts when reaching out to suppliers.
    • Effective follow-up techniques.
  • Email Templates: Introduction to effective email templates for reaching out to brands and distributors.
  • Real-life Examples: Sharing successful outreach examples.

[Day 4] Sourcing Products

  • Post-Account Setup: Actions to take once accounts are opened and pricing is accessed.
  • Sourcing Techniques:
    • Manual sourcing.
    • Using a UPC scanner with
    • Reverse sourcing strategies with Amazon and SmartScout.
  • Quotation and Purchase Orders: Submitting RFQs, deciding on purchase quantities, and example Purchase Order.

[Day 5] Shipping and Logistics

  • Prep Centers vs. Warehouses: Experiences and decision-making tips.
  • Shipping Strategies:
    • Using prep centers or warehouses.
    • Shipping SPD vs. LTL/FTL.
    • Direct shipping to FBA from suppliers.
    • Arranging LTL and FTL shipments.
  • Efficiency Tools: Using 2D barcodes and suitable credit cards for shipping expenses.

[Day 6] Leveraging Virtual Talent

  • Organizational Structure: Structure of a 7-figure wholesale business with virtual assistants.
  • Hiring VAs:
    • Pros and cons of VAs vs. domestic employees.
    • Timing for hiring your first VA.
    • Hierarchy of tasks to outsource.
    • KPIs to track.
    • Job posting templates.
    • Hiring insights from interviewing and hiring numerous VAs.
  • Red Flags and Lessons: Common pitfalls and lessons learned in the hiring process.

[Day 7] Recap

  • Review: Comprehensive recap of all lessons.
  • Q&A: Ensuring all questions are answered.

Guest Interviews

Chris Potter [E-Commerce Accounting Best Practices]

  • Financial Management: Essentials of smart financial management from a former 8-figure wholesale seller turned bookkeeper and tax accountant.

Patrick Whitten [3PL]

  • Prep Centers: Insights into working with top-tier prep centers, what to look for, and what to avoid.

Marlon Peralta [Supplier Outreach and Email Marketing]

  • Supplier Success: Guidance from a Sales Rep at one of the largest electronics distributors, focusing on supplier expectations and outreach strategies.

Barbara Drazga [Bundling]

  • Product Bundling: Techniques for creating effective and profitable bundles.

Criselda Suarez [Virtual Assistant Masterclass]

  • VA Insights: Masterclass on leveraging virtual assistants for scaling your business.

Resources and Community

  • Replay Access: Full access to course replays after challenge completion.
  • Facebook Group: Join the Facebook group for live sessions and community support.


The Wholesale Challenge Replays by Ganim Corey is an intensive and comprehensive training program designed to elevate your Amazon wholesale business. By covering a wide range of topics from finding suppliers to leveraging virtual talent, this course provides the tools and knowledge necessary to succeed in the competitive Amazon marketplace.


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