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Benjamin Dennehy – Telephone Prospecting Bootcamp Recorded Course 2023

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Scott Oldford – Low Ticket Mastery Workshop

Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $13.00.

Download Scott Oldford – Low Ticket Mastery Workshop (1.58 GB) in Mega Drive, Scott Oldford’s Low Ticket Mastery Workshop is an invaluable resource for entrepreneurs and business owners looking to excel in the low-ticket sales arena. With a structured approach to understanding, creating, marketing, and scaling low-ticket offers, participants are equipped with the tools and knowledge to generate consistent revenue and build lasting customer relationships. This comprehensive workshop not only teaches the mechanics of low-ticket sales but also instills the confidence and strategic mindset necessary for success in today’s competitive market.

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Scott Oldford – Low Ticket Mastery Workshop

Scott Oldford – Low Ticket Mastery Workshop: Mastering the Art of Low-Ticket Sales

The Low Ticket Mastery Workshop, created by Scott Oldford, is a specialized program designed to help entrepreneurs and business owners master the art of low-ticket sales. This workshop focuses on creating and scaling low-cost products and services, enabling participants to generate consistent revenue while building a loyal customer base.


Scott Oldford – Low Ticket Mastery Workshop

Core Components of the Low Ticket Mastery Workshop

 Understanding Low-Ticket Sales

  • Definition and Importance: The workshop begins by defining low-ticket sales and explaining their significance in a business model. Low-ticket items are typically priced under $100 and serve as entry points for customers.
  • Benefits: Participants learn the benefits of low-ticket sales, including higher volume transactions, increased customer acquisition, and the ability to build trust and relationships with a broad audience.
  • Market Fit: Understanding how to identify and create products that fit the market demand is crucial. This section covers market research and product validation techniques.

Creating Irresistible Low-Ticket Offers

  • Offer Design: The workshop guides participants through designing compelling low-ticket offers that attract and convert potential customers. This includes crafting the right message, choosing the correct format (e.g., eBooks, mini-courses, templates), and setting an attractive price point.
  • Value Proposition: Emphasizing the importance of a strong value proposition, the course teaches how to highlight the benefits and outcomes of the offer to entice customers.
  • Psychological Triggers: Techniques to leverage psychological triggers such as scarcity, urgency, and social proof are explored to enhance the appeal of low-ticket offers.

Marketing and Sales Strategies

  • Sales Funnels: Detailed guidance on building effective sales funnels for low-ticket products. This includes capturing leads, nurturing them, and converting them into paying customers through automated sequences.
  • Traffic Generation: Strategies for driving traffic to low-ticket offers are covered, including organic methods like content marketing and social media, as well as paid advertising techniques.
  • Conversion Optimization: Tips and techniques for optimizing landing pages, sales pages, and checkout processes to maximize conversion rates and minimize cart abandonment.

 Scaling Low-Ticket Sales

  • Automated Systems: Implementing automation tools and systems to streamline the sales process, allowing for scalability without significant increases in workload.
  • Cross-Selling and Upselling: Techniques for increasing revenue per customer by introducing cross-sells and upsells. This includes identifying complementary products and creating bundled offers.
  • Customer Retention: Building long-term relationships with customers through excellent service, follow-up, and ongoing engagement. Techniques for encouraging repeat purchases and fostering brand loyalty are emphasized.

Key Benefits of the Low Ticket Mastery Workshop

Accessible Entry Point

  • Lower Risk: Low-ticket items represent a lower risk for customers, making them more likely to make an initial purchase.
  • Customer Acquisition: By offering affordable products, businesses can attract a larger number of customers, increasing their market reach.
  • Relationship Building: Low-ticket offers provide an opportunity to build trust and establish relationships with customers, leading to potential higher-ticket sales in the future.

 Consistent Revenue Stream

  • Volume Sales: With the right strategies, low-ticket items can generate a consistent and predictable revenue stream.
  • Cash Flow: Regular low-ticket sales help maintain steady cash flow, essential for business sustainability and growth.
  • Market Penetration: Low-ticket items can help penetrate competitive markets by providing a cost-effective option for customers.

Scalable Business Model

  • Automated Processes: By automating the sales and fulfillment process, businesses can handle a high volume of transactions with minimal manual effort.
  • Repeat Business: Engaging customers through low-ticket offers can lead to repeat business and upsell opportunities.
  • Brand Loyalty: Consistently delivering value through low-ticket offers helps build a loyal customer base that supports long-term business growth.


Scott Oldford’s Low Ticket Mastery Workshop is an invaluable resource for entrepreneurs and business owners looking to excel in the low-ticket sales arena. With a structured approach to understanding, creating, marketing, and scaling low-ticket offers, participants are equipped with the tools and knowledge to generate consistent revenue and build lasting customer relationships. This comprehensive workshop not only teaches the mechanics of low-ticket sales but also instills the confidence and strategic mindset necessary for success in today’s competitive market.


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