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Tim Shurr – Hypnotic Sales Mastery

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Curious Refuge - The World's First AI Filmmaking Course
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Steve Chandler – Online Coaching Prosperity School

Original price was: $147.00.Current price is: $19.00.

Download Steve Chandler – Online Coaching Prosperity School (11.36 GB) in Mega Drive, Online Coaching Prosperity School by Steve Chandler offers a comprehensive toolkit for coaches looking to build a prosperous and sustainable coaching business. By focusing on mindset mastery, client acquisition, skill enhancement, and efficient business operations, this course provides valuable insights and practical strategies for achieving financial success in the coaching industry. Whether you are a new coach or an experienced professional, the techniques and methodologies taught in this course can significantly enhance your ability to attract and retain clients, deliver impactful coaching, and grow your business.

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Tim Shurr – Hypnotic Sales Mastery

Steve Chandler – Online Coaching Prosperity School


Online Coaching Prosperity School by Steve Chandler is a comprehensive course designed to help coaches build a prosperous and sustainable coaching business. The course offers practical strategies, mindset shifts, and business-building techniques tailored specifically for coaches who want to increase their client base, improve their coaching skills, and achieve financial success.


Steve Chandler - Online Coaching Prosperity School

Key Components

The course is divided into several key modules, each focusing on a critical aspect of building a successful coaching business.

1. Mindset Mastery

  • Prosperity Mindset: Cultivates a mindset geared towards abundance and prosperity, essential for long-term success.
  • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Techniques to identify and overcome limiting beliefs that hinder business growth.

2. Client Acquisition

  • Target Market Identification: Helps coaches identify and target their ideal clients effectively.
  • Effective Marketing Strategies: Provides strategies for marketing coaching services to attract the right clients.

3. Building Strong Client Relationships

  • Rapport Building: Teaches techniques to build strong, trust-based relationships with clients.
  • Client Retention: Strategies for retaining clients and encouraging repeat business.

4. Coaching Techniques and Skills

  • Advanced Coaching Skills: Enhances coaching skills with advanced techniques and methodologies.
  • Results-Oriented Coaching: Focuses on delivering measurable results that clients value.

5. Business Systems and Operations

  • Efficient Systems: Guidance on setting up efficient business systems to streamline operations.
  • Time Management: Techniques to manage time effectively and increase productivity.

Benefits of the Course

Enhanced Business Growth

  • Increased Client Base: Strategies to attract and retain more clients, leading to business growth.
  • Sustainable Income: Techniques to create a sustainable and consistent income stream from coaching.

Improved Coaching Skills

  • Skill Enhancement: Focuses on improving coaching skills, making interactions with clients more impactful.
  • Client Success: Ensures clients achieve their goals, leading to higher satisfaction and referrals.

Personal and Professional Development

  • Confidence Building: Builds confidence in coaching abilities and business acumen.
  • Professional Growth: Provides tools and insights for continuous professional development.

Who Should Enroll?

Aspiring Coaches

  • New Coaches: Ideal for new coaches who are starting their coaching practice and want to build a strong foundation.
  • Career Changers: Beneficial for individuals transitioning into coaching from other careers.

Experienced Coaches

  • Established Professionals: Valuable for experienced coaches looking to refine their business strategies and achieve greater success.
  • Niche Coaches: Useful for coaches specializing in a particular niche who want to expand their reach.

Course Format and Delivery

Online Learning

  • Flexible Access: The course is delivered online, allowing participants to access the material at their own pace.
  • Interactive Content: Includes video lessons, exercises, and practical assignments to apply the concepts learned.


Online Coaching Prosperity School by Steve Chandler offers a comprehensive toolkit for coaches looking to build a prosperous and sustainable coaching business. By focusing on mindset mastery, client acquisition, skill enhancement, and efficient business operations, this course provides valuable insights and practical strategies for achieving financial success in the coaching industry. Whether you are a new coach or an experienced professional, the techniques and methodologies taught in this course can significantly enhance your ability to attract and retain clients, deliver impactful coaching, and grow your business.


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