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Myles Wilson-Walker – The Cycles and The Codes

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Myles Wilson-Walker – The Cycles and The Codes (71.2 MB) in Mega Drive, “The Cycles & The Codes” by Myles Wilson-Walker unveils the layers of complexity within W.D. Gann’s “The Tunnel Thru The Air.” This comprehensive exploration goes beyond the surface, revealing cycles previously known only to Gann himself. The book challenges readers to discern these cycles without the convenience of direct astronomical correlations, underscoring the unparalleled depth of Gann’s intellectual contributions to the world of financial analysis and trading strategies. As readers embark on the journey through Gann’s enigmatic masterpiece, they are reminded of the intricate web of cycles and codes that demand careful unraveling to grasp the true essence of “The Tunnel Thru The Air.”


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Myles Wilson-Walker – The Cycles and The Codes

Myles Wilson-Walker – The Cycles and The Codes

Introduction: Unraveling W.D. Gann’s Enigma

In the realm of financial analysis and trading strategies, W.D. Gann’s work has always stood out as enigmatic, weaving a complex tapestry of cycles and codes that many have sought to decipher. “The Cycles & The Codes,” a comprehensive book by Myles Wilson-Walker, delves into the intricacies of Gann’s masterpiece, “The Tunnel Thru The Air.” Contrary to popular belief, the cycles Gann employed are not overtly evident in the text, requiring a discerning eye to uncover the underlying connections to astronomical events.

The Science of Numbers and Astronomical Foundations: Gann’s Methodology

W.D. Gann’s methodology was grounded in what he referred to as “The Science of Numbers.” By combining numerical analysis and the study of astronomical events, Gann developed a unique approach to trading that revolved around the concept of repeating cycles. The essence of these cycles, however, is not explicitly outlined in “The Tunnel Thru The Air.” Readers are presented with a challenge — to discern the cycles embedded within the narrative without the convenience of direct correlations to specific astronomical occurrences.

Hidden Gems: Deciphering Gann’s Cycles in “The Tunnel Thru The Air”

“The Cycles & The Codes” sheds light on a series of enigmatic cycles that Gann expertly wove into his literary work. These cycles include intriguing titles such as Radium Ray, Demon of Death, Tel-Talk, Marie the Angel of Mercy, Red Letter Day, and, of course, The Tunnel Thru The Air itself. Gann’s genius is evident in the complexity and depth of these cycles, with Myles Wilson-Walker asserting that, until now, only Gann himself fully comprehended their intricacies. These cycles are not merely trading tools but represent the pinnacle of Gann’s intellectual prowess, surpassing anything else he shared with the general public.

Elusive Correlations: Navigating the Absence of Direct Astronomical Matches

Despite the undeniable existence of these cycles, connecting them to tangible astronomical events within specific dates remains a formidable challenge. The book warns readers not to expect straightforward correlations between events in “The Tunnel Thru The Air” and real-world astronomical phenomena. The absence of explicit connections is intentional, compelling readers to engage in a deeper exploration of Gann’s coded messages and hidden patterns.

Limit of Liability and Disclaimer: Navigating the Complexities

A cautious note precedes the exploration of Gann’s cycles and codes. The book emphasizes the limits of liability and disclaims any warranty regarding the accuracy or completeness of its contents. Readers are reminded that the advice and strategies presented may not be universally suitable, necessitating professional consultation for personalized applications. The publisher and author absolve themselves from any liability for commercial damages, reinforcing the complexity and individualized nature of Gann’s teachings.

Conclusion: The Unprecedented Depth of “The Tunnel Thru The Air”

“The Cycles & The Codes” by Myles Wilson-Walker unveils the layers of complexity within W.D. Gann’s “The Tunnel Thru The Air.” This comprehensive exploration goes beyond the surface, revealing cycles previously known only to Gann himself. The book challenges readers to discern these cycles without the convenience of direct astronomical correlations, underscoring the unparalleled depth of Gann’s intellectual contributions to the world of financial analysis and trading strategies. As readers embark on the journey through Gann’s enigmatic masterpiece, they are reminded of the intricate web of cycles and codes that demand careful unraveling to grasp the true essence of “The Tunnel Thru The Air.”

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